What to do in case of fire?

Behavior in case of fire

Here you will find all information how to react in case of fire!

For additional questions, please feel free to contact our team!

Behavior in case of fire

Stay calm so you can act reasonable!

If fire starts in your room, report it immediately!

Only try to extinguish a fire on your own if you´re sure to be safely rescued!

If not leave your room!

Close the door, so smoke and flames will not reach the hall!

Start alarm (Telephone, fire alarm, or simply shouting)

When having smoke in the room

Roll out of bed, put your shoes on and crawl to the door.

Remember your room keys! You might breath through a wet towel.

Breath through a wet towel.

Touch the door handle.

-if the door handle is hot, do not open the door.

-if the door is not hot, open slowly.

-if necessary, throw the door shut immediately.

Check the hall:

If everything is in order, go to the next emergency exit. In case of smoke: Crawl! (Remember your keys and close your door.) Stay close to the wall, so you can count the number of doors and also avoid to run into other people. If the emergency exit or the stairs are blocked, search for another exit.

Touch the door handle.

-if the door handle is hot, do not open the door.

-if the door is not hot, open slowly.

-if necessary, throw the door shut immediately.

Go to the ground floor.

Use the handrail for orientation. If the smoke is getting thicker, do not try to walk further go back upstairs instead. When you reach the roof, find something to permanently keep the door open, so the stairs get aired and you will not be locked out while awaiting rescue.

The door is hot and the hall is full of smoke. What to do?

If you are located on the ground floor, you might be able to rescue yourself by jumping out of the window. If not, you better stay in your room, where you are most likely to survive the fire.

Get yourself noticed.

If the telephone is working, call help. Hang a sheet out of your window so the fire brigade will notice you. Do not attempt to use the sheet as a rope to climb out of the window!

Turn on the bathroom venting and fill the tup with water.

The venting reduces the amount of smoke and the water can be helpful for extinguishing.

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