Weinbergshütte & Vinothek
Die Weinbergshütte liegt in Mitten Rheinhessischer Weinberge auf dem höchsten Punkt von Mainz. Die von Mittwoch bis Sonntag geöffnete Gastronomie bietet dem Gast ein unvergleichliches Weinerlebnis. Passend dazu servieren wir Ihnen kreative Schmankerl und Gerichte aus der Region.
Our menu
Our wine menu
Opening hours
Tuesday to Saturday from 12.00 pm
Sunday from 11.00 am
Monday closed
Would you like to order a gift voucher? Simply use our own contact formula.
Wine tasting in a different way!

Enjoy one of our wine tastings in a sociable round. Nevertheless if with a smaller group of people in our Vinothek or in a larger group in our restaurant.
Our competent team is happy to assist.
If requested, one of our wine makers is happy to moderate.
Sunday brunch: our culinary brunch with live cooking stations
To brunch in Mainz? Obviously, we are offering our culinary brunch each Sunday. Our great buffet starts with a diversified breakfast buffet including coffee and tea. Dishes with eggs will be prepared regarding your wishes. Enjoy the time with your friends or family and try our our multi-faced food offer.
Brunch opening hours
Each Sunday from 11.00 am to 03.00 pm in our restaurant Weinbergshütte.
We recommend to reserve a table in advance by phone 06131 622260.
Preis für unseren Sonntagsbrunch: 65,00 Euro pro Person
NEU: inkl. Kaffee, Tee, Wein, Sekt, Wasser und Softgetränken
Preis für den Feiertags-/Adventsbrunch: 65,00 Euro pro Person
NEU: inkl. Kaffee, Tee, Wein, Sekt, Wasser und Softgetränken
We are looking forward to welcoming you!
Your Hofgut team
GREAT WINE CAPITALS: Eine Welt der Extra-Klasse
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